Monday 11 May 2009

My favorite sport

My favorite sport are tennis and swimming. My first time play tennis that is studied in two -year-college's PE class. Then I love tennis very much. When I was a two-year-college student and after school I played tennis every day. Now, I have to work and go to school that I almost do not have enough time to play tennis. Sometime I play tennis with my cowork in national holiday or watched tennis race on TV. Because I really like to play tennis.

Two years ago, I did not swim. In 2007 summer that is very hot everyday, even night. It is really hot all day and I do not know that where I can go. So, I try to go to swimming pool. But I can not swimming. I am fortunate that I meet a older uncle who is taught me to swim. He taught me swim skill that I am more and more practiced in breast-stroke. An idiom say" Where there is a will, there is a way. Nowadays, when I have free time and felt tired. I will play tennis or go swimming.

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