Thursday 20 May 2010

Thank you & anticipate to see you !

Two years ago, I register Lunghwa University of Science and Technology and knew the next coming 2 years that I will have hardly life and lose saturday and sunday, but time fly fast, more two or three weeks I will graduate from Lunghwa University, if every lesson are both pass.

I can not believe I can through to this section and feel happy. During the two years lesson, I learned all kind of English lesson include writting, presentation, speech, reading, grammar, Japanese and conversation, to look back, I get a lot harvest, althoug my grade are not good, but today I tell myself, I tried and did.

I would like to take this eassy to thank every teacher who hardly teach us, especially our class teacher, Harrs Kuo, he such as a good teacher and class teacher who always encouraged and helped us. Many students regarded Harrs Kuo less as teacher than as our mentor. Of course, teacher, Howard Lin are no less good than Harrs Kuo. They are both nice teacher in LHU. Of course, other teacher are also very very nice.

I also would take this eassy to thank my classmate that you accompany me to passed the two years. I want to say that every teacher and student whose I will never forget in this section of my life, thank you.

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