Thursday 20 May 2010

Landbank of Taiwan,Sulin branch

I have worked in Landbank of Taiwan, Sulin brance since 1998 pass the exam. Now,I have been transfer Corporation Of Banking, head office last year. So today is May 20,2010 that just full of a year. Today, I come to Sulin branch and see many cowork that made me very happy. Time is really fly fast, when I came where there are many thing changed, but people. I think, it is a most fun that are met old friends in life.

When I was a new bank clerk that memory are still very new as yesterday. I worked in the desposit department, charge for all kind deposit like time deposit, chuque deposit, remittance, large money payment, tax and uniform invoice payment... etc, worked in the credit check department, charge for evaluate security, like house, land...etc. and worked in the loans department, charge for loans, like mortgages, credit card, import and export...etc.

So, I have many memory with cowork in Sulin branch. I learned many thing that include deal with customer complain and social. I would like to take this eassy to thank for ever work in Sulin branchs' cowork. It is extremely nice to have you!!

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