Thursday 20 May 2010

Landbank of Taiwan,Sulin branch

I have worked in Landbank of Taiwan, Sulin brance since 1998 pass the exam. Now,I have been transfer Corporation Of Banking, head office last year. So today is May 20,2010 that just full of a year. Today, I come to Sulin branch and see many cowork that made me very happy. Time is really fly fast, when I came where there are many thing changed, but people. I think, it is a most fun that are met old friends in life.

When I was a new bank clerk that memory are still very new as yesterday. I worked in the desposit department, charge for all kind deposit like time deposit, chuque deposit, remittance, large money payment, tax and uniform invoice payment... etc, worked in the credit check department, charge for evaluate security, like house, land...etc. and worked in the loans department, charge for loans, like mortgages, credit card, import and export...etc.

So, I have many memory with cowork in Sulin branch. I learned many thing that include deal with customer complain and social. I would like to take this eassy to thank for ever work in Sulin branchs' cowork. It is extremely nice to have you!!

Thank you & anticipate to see you !

Two years ago, I register Lunghwa University of Science and Technology and knew the next coming 2 years that I will have hardly life and lose saturday and sunday, but time fly fast, more two or three weeks I will graduate from Lunghwa University, if every lesson are both pass.

I can not believe I can through to this section and feel happy. During the two years lesson, I learned all kind of English lesson include writting, presentation, speech, reading, grammar, Japanese and conversation, to look back, I get a lot harvest, althoug my grade are not good, but today I tell myself, I tried and did.

I would like to take this eassy to thank every teacher who hardly teach us, especially our class teacher, Harrs Kuo, he such as a good teacher and class teacher who always encouraged and helped us. Many students regarded Harrs Kuo less as teacher than as our mentor. Of course, teacher, Howard Lin are no less good than Harrs Kuo. They are both nice teacher in LHU. Of course, other teacher are also very very nice.

I also would take this eassy to thank my classmate that you accompany me to passed the two years. I want to say that every teacher and student whose I will never forget in this section of my life, thank you.

To spank or not to spank?

There are many news about young crime that we can watch on TV. I agree, some people said that our education failed and it is acountable for their parents. So, teacher and parent should to spank or not to spank?? In my opinion that I think no absoulte and depend on situation.

More and more family just have a child, so parents offer full love for him as child wants. Parents are do not know that have spoiled their child.

Some parents have different ideals about how to punish them when they misbehave, or do something bad and thinks sapnking is acceptable that we should do it for their own good, so children will learn right and wrong. It is important to made children to respect us and listen to what we say.

Another parents against spanking that is a form of violence and form of child abuse and is very harmful to children that should be against the law. Spanking can lead to more serious problems. When kids get in trouble, we need to talk to them and find out about the problem, not spank them.

To spank or not to spank, not a standard can comply, but it is very important that never use violence and harmful. We should teach and try to let them knows what are worng and what are right.

Monday 17 May 2010

Motorcycle or Bus?

After graduating from elementry school, I seldom took bus to anywhere, much less work. I was almost rode anywhere. I have took bus since my motorcycle broken. It is felt not bad to took bus to work.For instance, you take bus with many beautiful office ladys, girls or female students, Take bus can save money and protect the Earth.

I did not use to take bus, but now I do. The reason is very sample that my scooter is broken and it is too old to fix; therefore, I do not spend a lot of money to fix, so I have to try to take bus to office. After a week past, it is not bad to take bus and I gradually used to take bus. Everyday work hard are so tired, before I go to the office which I see or take bus with pretty girl. I think that today must be a wonderful day then I have full of spirit to face challenge on my work. If I still go to work by scooter that has not any chance.

To have a brand-new motorcycle is very expensive and we can see many motorcycle on the road nowaday; therefor, air was been pollution by us. There ia no fresh air in the early morning. So take bus can save money and reduce airpollution.

I want to say that it is a good way to go to anywhere with saving money; enven though I have bought motorcycle, yet I still go to office by bus. Try to take a bus, If you were a man who you also like to appreciatebeautiful felmale. Ha~Ha~~!

Sunday 16 May 2010

Graduate trip, Okinawa, Japan

This is my first time to leave my own country and it was a indeed the most memorable journey of my life. It is a 3 day's journey to get to Okinawa, Japan and very special journey. Teacher Lin, 20 students of my class, and a studend's friend attend the trip.

We went to Japan by China airlines CIO-120 flight that captain and one of flight attendant are teacher Lin's relative. The captain is teacher Lin's young brother and flight attendant is sister in law on 16 Jan 2010. In chinese said that a decade of cultivation to ride on the same boat, so it is very thank for teacher Lin that he requireing much attention and concern for every students. I would like to take this essay to thank Lin sir and want to say that it is so wonderful to have you!

I did not have time to drink coffee, the plane CIO-120 has prepared landing. It is took about 70 minutes from C.K.S airport Taiwan to Okinawa. I think thst most Japanese are both look like Taiwanese, but in Okinawa's traffic is more good than Taiwanese and nothing in the restaurant is less than NT300; hoeever. everwhere are very clean, roadways are very flat and driver gives precedence out of courtesy with passer.

it is a good chance to drink with classmate and teacher. so drink a lot are normal and I can not believe our female classmate are good at drinking. We got many cans of beer, next day I got dead drunk, but ther are both ok!

It was a indeed the most memorable trip of my life and I will never forget!!

Saturday 15 May 2010

Technology, WiFi

A group of teenagers in Taipei main station are glue to their cell phones. They are playing the video games against another group of teenagers in Taipei main station. We also can see many people use their laptops and smart phone in coffee shop and fastfood store, because there is technology, with WiFi, cell phones, PDAs, and latops could eventually replace personal computer. If you happen to need some information while walking on the street, just turn on your PDA and laptop. You can get on the internet right away that you can surf net and google you want.

WiFi seem limitless, movies and TV shows could be watched anywhere and anytime. Students' heavy book bags could be replaced by textbooks transmitted from school servers to laptops and PDAs.

But WiFi is not without problems that hackers could take advantage of all this data in the air. Ther could private messages. Despite these problem, more and more cities are establish WiFi hotspots in Taiwan. People can check their e-mail ,movies and games in anywhere. For instance, you can surf the internet on the MRT stations and Daan Park. So, technology is very convenience.

Monday 10 May 2010

Commerical correspondence

Request for an loan
May 10, 2010
To: Land Bank of Taiwan, Depar
Atten: Mr. Huang

Dear Mr. Huang
I would to make an appointment with you to discuss an overdraft or a loan to enable me to expand my bossiness.

I would need money for USD18,000 to buy additional equipment and raw marterials.
I can offer my factory as part security. I estimate it would take me about one year to repay a loan of this size.

I enclose an audited copy of my company’s current balance sheet, which I imagine you will wish to respect before our meeting.

Yours sincerely
Abc Co/ USA

Granting a loan

May 12, 2010
To : ABC Co /USA
Atten : Mr.Lin

Dear Mr. Lin
I am pleased to tell you that the credit for USD18,000 which you requested has been approved.

We discussed an overdraft, but agreed would be better that if the credit were given in the form of a loan at the current interest 2%, calculated on half-year balances.

The loan must be repaid by 30 Apri 20, and we will hold the factory you pledged as part security.

The money will be credited to your current account.

I wish you success and look forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely
Huang, Bo-Wei
Huang, Bo-Wei
Land bank of Taiwan
46 road Taipei, Taiwan
Web site:

May 17, 2010
To: abc co / Japan
Atten: Sir / Madam

Dear sir / madman
We are a chain of retailer store in Taiwan and looking for a manufacturer who can supply us with a wide range of sweaters for the men’s leisurewear market. We were impressed by the new designs displayed on your stand at the TOKYO Exhibition last month.

As we usually place large orders, we would expect a quantity discount in addition to a 20% trade discount off net price. Our terms of payment are normally 30-day bill of exchange, D/A.

If these conditions interest you, and you can meet an order of over 500 garments at one time, please send your current catalogue and price list.

We hope to hear from you soon.

Yours sincerely

Monday 3 May 2010

I gotta find my place

I have had long time without feeling so relaxed. Today, I have a holiday for LHU's mid-term exam. I went to library near my home where footing it instead of riding. Because today, I want to take slow timing.

Many subjects have to study that I felt very tired and anxious. I can not concentrate on books then taken a break and went to the park.Today is Thursday, almost people went to office, so nobody here. I found a bench and sitting on it. Suddenly felt that it so relaxed and free. It is very conmfortable to sit on it.

Saturday 1 May 2010

Yield the seat

It is very convenience to take transpotation in Taipei and there are many vehicle that you can use. For instance, train, bus and MRT, but there are both full of all kind of people in the work time in the morning or evening. Sometime can see old men or inconvenient people in the carriage; yet, I seldom saw anyboday to yield to them.

Perhaps everyone are in hurry and did not attention them, so old keep standing, but sometime
many young students are keep setting when they saw them. In my opinion that is it our education fial or not why students does not know that they should yield the seat to old man. What happen the students now. Every vehicle have priority seat, like MRT, bus and train that it is convenient to old mem to use. I think that the students now are not more respect than the ole ones.
One day we will be old, weak and inconvenient. If someone yield the seat that I would be very thankful, does it!