Friday 30 January 2009

Beliefs of Confucianism: Confucianism is a philosophical system developed around the teachings of Confucius. This 'way of life' address the complexities and idealism behind human morality, and the value of righteous action. Confucianism comprises social, moral, political, and quasi-religious ideals that have had tremendous influence over the cultures of the Orient. The trend of governmental promotion of these values, and the importance of education with regards to individual moral development in China, Japan, Taiwan, Korea and Vietnam, are products of Confucianism. This system of philosophy emphasizes on the individual and state as 'bound by moral virtue rather than coercive law'. Confucianism declares that all human nature is essentially perfect and good. This stream of philosophy does not believe in the exposure to rites or extreme statism. Individual and state control over every human activity,within the dictates of metaphysics, and an unorthodox doctrine of radical thinking, are the strongholds of Confucianism. Confucius believed that people led by administrative injunctions develop a sense of self worth that is devoid of a sense of shame. Confucianism preaches that with the right leadership, people can conduct themselves harmoniously. The philosophy demarcates legalism and ritualism within the realm of individual accountability.

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