Friday 2 January 2009

As text messages

Popularize with the developed mobile telephone of science and technology. It's getting more and more function. Using mobile telephone not only just talking or answer, but also can used for text messages, Yhe mobile telephone has already become a tool which indispensable in everbody's life. But it is convenient that mobile telephone brings people and also brings people dangerously.

Now a lot of election candidates or commercial advertisements are all to convey information to greet the customer. When you drive or walk again, no matter you accept information or to sent information, you must have low head to read or type, so it is unexpected cause and happen.

So, a lot f countries have already legislated to forbid using the mobile telephone by car, but if do not use the mobile telephone to convey information while walking.

For the security, when you drive and walk, please do not use cell phone.

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