Sunday 27 December 2009

Have you ever had to overcome a problem or difficult situation at some time in your life

Did you watch Japanese soap opera that is “101st proposal of marriage which is talk about a man deeply fall in love with a woman and she refused him proposal of marriage many time. On December 1999, I fall in love with my coworker, because we work together all day. Then I courageously talked to him and she talked to me that is impossible. But I still pursue him for three years. During the three years, I never interrupt. The finally result is that we still are good friend and coworker. I felt sad and dispiriting during the three years. After that, I spend a lot time to treat myself.
We are working in a bank, she is a new employee and I have to teach him how to do. We must face and service customer every day which we overcome any problem together. Day by day, I have to be used work with him together. If she left seat or took a rest for a log time that I always felt uncomfortable and I think that I fall in love with him so I decide to talk him my feeling and hope to accept me, agree me to be my girl friendly. Of course, she refused me, but I did not give up and try to do any way any things I can do that just about him. Then I only got hurt day by day, year over year. I spent all time on him and I can to do the other things. On day, my friend told me that you could not keep doing and have to give up because I waste many time on him. This is a most problem in the pass that I knew that I have to fine newly live. So I decide to give up, now we are a good friend and can talked any thing. Just to be a good friend.
After I decide give up, I am very lucky that I have a good friend who encourage me uninterrupted when I sad and disappointed. I try to do other things like learning new thing, did not call her and try to be a general friend. An idiom say “if you want to forgot a person, time is the best medicine” finally I made it, now we become a good friend.
Before I give up that still deeply trust that an idiom say “where is there a will, there is a way” I can made it, she will be my girl friend. Now I still deeply trust “where is there a will, there is a way”, because I overcome bereft of love that injure my heart.

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