Monday 28 December 2009

Dealing with the stress

Nowadays, everywhere are always can feel stress and seem to surround with us. No matter in your job or life. It can be caused by something positive or negative. It is not always bad; sometimes it can actually be essential or helpful. So, to learn confront stress and dealing with stress is very important for everyone.

First, to understand that what caused stress then take a deep breathing and tell self that everything will be fine and do not be nervous. This way can made you clam down then you can easy to know what the trouble and how to cope with.

Second, do exercise also a good way to deal with stress. Just to do that you like or usually do in free time. For instance, you can scream, it also can say that it is kind of exercise, but keeping in mind, do not bother other person. In this way you can relieve stress. If you can swim, I think that it is a good way to deal with stress.

In short, when the stress knock door, do not be nervous. I usually take a deep breathing, try to clam down and take easy as you can. After work, I must to go swimming or playing tennis that both are my favorite exercise. After that, I must felt good or better. It is just my way.

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