Wednesday 28 October 2009

Hearing players taken gamble again!!

About thirty years ago, Taiwanese are crazy about baseball no matter male, female, chirden and adults. When I was a child, I always heard adults to talk about baseball or get up early to watch baseball game about Chinese team on TV. Everyone are crazy about baseball until today even forever.
In Oct.23 1989,The Chinese Professional Baseball Leagueb had founded in Taiwan, it's also third founded profesisonal baseball in Asia. After Japan and Korea. The CPBL consists of four teams. Taiwanese are very happy to watch Chinese professional Baseball Leagueb and have own favor baseball team. Every holiday where are a lot of people go to baseball field to see baseball game or stay at home to watch baseball game on. Especially Chinese versus Japan or Korea. I favor baseball team are Time-Eagle and Cobras. Few years ago my favor teams were disapper. Did you know what happen. There are many baseball players to taken gamble on the CPBL. It's hurt everyone heart. So many baseball fans never go to the baseball to see games.
Today, I can not believe it that baseball players taken gamble again. It's not first time. I think that baseball fans' heart will be die and hurts again. The baseball is Taiwanese spirit that can't disapper.

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