Sunday 26 April 2009

Touching Miracle

Do you have a pet?I like dogs so much! They are so cute! I really want to have one. Now, I live in apartment and do not have much space. I should consider neighbor. So, I have never raised a dog so far. There is a new movie about dogs recently. The title of the movie is "Touching Miracle." The movie is a real affair that the dog "Mari" saves her owners and her three kids form a strong earthquake in JAPAN and is a very touching movie. No wander people say the dog is our loyal friends! But, some people afraid that the movie will stir up a stream about buy Shiba lnu. when the movie's fever passes, there are many stray dogs on the strees. Just like the movie "Goodbye, Quill" and "Eight Below". We can see that there are many stray Labrador and stray Husky on the strees. We should There is a news recently. The new that businessman abandoned and kill a lot dogs. They are very hateful. The dog is our loyal friends. So we should be love them as love us.

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