Sunday 26 April 2009

Touching Miracle

Do you have a pet?I like dogs so much! They are so cute! I really want to have one. Now, I live in apartment and do not have much space. I should consider neighbor. So, I have never raised a dog so far. There is a new movie about dogs recently. The title of the movie is "Touching Miracle." The movie is a real affair that the dog "Mari" saves her owners and her three kids form a strong earthquake in JAPAN and is a very touching movie. No wander people say the dog is our loyal friends! But, some people afraid that the movie will stir up a stream about buy Shiba lnu. when the movie's fever passes, there are many stray dogs on the strees. Just like the movie "Goodbye, Quill" and "Eight Below". We can see that there are many stray Labrador and stray Husky on the strees. We should There is a news recently. The new that businessman abandoned and kill a lot dogs. They are very hateful. The dog is our loyal friends. So we should be love them as love us.

Thursday 23 April 2009

Love letter

My true love,
I would like to tell you how fortunate. I already to have met a beautiful girl like you. Do you still remember the first time when we met each other? I saw you in a dinner party. I was too shy to talk to you. Fortunately, we were arranged in identical table. I mustered up all my courage and talked to you. After our conversation, I got to know you better, and I found out what a wonderful girl you were. You still are the most wonderful girl that I've come across in my entire life. At that moment, I made up my mind and decided that I was going to pursue you. No matter how difficult it might be, I would try my best. Even until now, I still feel that I'd made the right decision. Besides, your existence alone has brought happiness to my life. There hasn't been a night when I've gone to sleep with a frown on my face, and it's all because of you. You make my happy. I am glad to have met you. I have always wanted the love of my life to be as understanding, loving, caring, and faithful as you are. I've always wanted someone who would accept me for who I am, and I know you are the person who will do exactly that. I knew that you are the perfect match for me. I don't think that there's anyone better than you; you are truly irreplaceable. I love you with all my heart. I have never trusted anyone before in the way that I trust you. Sometimes I even doubt myself, but I know that I will never doubt you, because you are my true love. I know that you'll never break my heart or let me down in any way. Thank you so much for everything that you've done and will do for me. I will love you until the end of time.

How to choose a marriage partner

Choosing a marriage partner is very important thing that affect your entire life. Everyone needs a life long true companion. Now, if you have had a girl or boy friend. You do not know that who is your Mr. Right / Ms. Right. There are several ways that you can try to do. First, you can talk about your future plan or listen to her / his future plan each other. Understanding yours notion, interest and personality, etc. Second, to plan a travel with him that can understand each other. Because, this way you can understand her / his patient deal with things. Finally, go to her / his home to visit her / his parents and visit her / his room. In this way, you can understand weather he / she to shows filial obedience for his / her parents, to show devotion for her / his sisters and brothers and life’s habits. She / he are how to deal with her / his parents, sisters and brothers that will be deals with you the same. Everybody will be sick and old. So, you need a partner to care each other, play everywhere, watch children to grow up together. I think that it will be a beautifully thing.

Sunday 19 April 2009

The Pirate

Did you know pirate, Maybe you would be say that I heard pirate's story, saw a pirate' s movie or watched a pirate's cartoon as a child. Now the pirate really appear in the Somalia sea area and fire on the cargo ship.But while Somalia's pirates are keeping up their attacks in one of the world's most important shipping routes, they are finding it harder to seize vessels in recent months, according to the International Maritime Bureau.Why does many pirates over there, is it possible that country impose sanction against pirates. Recent months, many country dispatch warship to Somalia sea area, including Japan, Britain, the United States, France, China and Germany are guarding the region.

Thursday 9 April 2009

A person who has made a difference

In 1917, Wang Yung-Ching was borna pool family in Sindian City Taipei County. When he was fifteen five years old, he cames to Chia-Yi City Chia-Yi County and sold rice in a rice-store. He visited every family and hope to give a chance. He regular send rice to his customers and washed rice-box for his customers, so he has many regular customers and make a lot money. He failed many times, but he always does any things step by step, day and night and never easily to give up. When he was thirty seven years, he invested a lot of money in PVC and build Nan Ya Plastic Corporation, Formosa Chemistry, Fiber Corporation, CymaPlywood, and Lumber Co. He said "Success depend on yourself" No matter in culture, economy, and medical treatment, etc. For instance, he buided Ming Chi University Of Techology and Chang Gung Memorial Hopspital.

I believe Wang, Yung-Ching's spirit in everybody's mind forever.

Wednesday 8 April 2009

Would you like to live to be 100 years old!?

Sure. If I have enough money and healthy body that I would like to be 100 years old. Because I have a lot money. I do not have to work then I can play anywhere and see children grow up. But i f I do not have money and healthy body that I will cause trouble for my family. Maybe I would be a burden to my family and I would be a burden. I have to have people help me to eat and to walk that it is extremely awful things. Everyone have to work or go to school. They are very busy, tired, and not enough time. Nobody talk to you then you will be lonely. Nobody to take care of you then you will sick. You would spend your time reading the obituaries. Of course, old age is a good thing. No one wants to die young. But I think 100 years old maybe is a bit too old . Maybe about 80 would be fine. 80 years old should be OK.

Monday 6 April 2009

Coffee and Tea

Today, coffee and tea are a must in many rituals around the word. For example, The Japanese tea ceremony is an elegant, spirtual rituals. In Britain, afternoon tea is a much-love tradition that take breaks to enjoy sweet cookies. In America, millions of coffee-lovers start each day with a cup of coffee. Some people worry that caffeine is dangerous. Heavy users sometimes feel impatient or experience headaches if they did not drink coffee. But coffeine is not harmful unless it is overused. One or two cups a day can help us think more clearly. It seems that coffee is sort of a fashion in Taiwan. If you want to drink any time, you can buy coffee everywhere. For instance, vendor machine, conveninent store, department store, and Starbucks, etc. I think they are really nice.

Sunday 5 April 2009

Variety shopping

Nowadays, shopping is a very popular activity. There are many place where you can buy anythings. For example, If you want to drink, you just head to 7-Eleven. Today, convenince stores are everywhere. You can buy a newspaper, a cup of coffee, pay your bills, photocopying, faxing, film processing, on line shopping, use an ATM, and home delivery, etc. Most of us visit a convenince store at least once a day and we have become very dependent on this convenince store.

In the past, people bought most of their fresh food at crowded outdoor markets. Today's food shoppers who can go to supermarket. There have more comfortable shopping environment where has air conditioned.

We can buy variety of fashionable, brand name goods at department store. In Taiwan, fashionable people like to shop at department store like Sogo, and Taipei 101. Because Shopper believe these place have high quality and fashionable clothes. so, these stores are considered the best of the best.