Thursday 6 August 2009

Lost time is never found again.

Time is fleeting, the picture took from my eighteen years old. One day, I clean my room and found a photo album. I suddenly stopped sweeping my room. I almost forget tooking these photos and forget still have them.Then, I open the photo album that make me very surprise. The photos reminds me of senior high school's good time. "Lost time is never found again". I can't believe that I am thirty-five years old now. When I look the photo that seem yesterday. when I was into eighteen years old that my parents give me a motorcycle. Actuality, I request that my parents give me motorcycle. The motorcycle costs sixty-three hundred dollars in 1991. So, it's very expensive. The students afford that expensive motorcycle.
I remember that I went to ILian with my clasmate by motorcycle. We play anywhere and ate anywhere. Everyone rode motorcycle and took photos that is very funs, although we don't have girl friends. Did you see my motorcycle that is 150cc

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