Tuesday 25 August 2009

The Weaver girl and Buffalo boy

The day is Chinese Valentine day. Today, I still don't have girl friend with me. I just have a box of chcolate from my manager. So, let me tell about a love story. Why is Qixi, the seventh day of the seventh lunar month, a day for lovers?! Well, it comes from an old Chinese story. A long time ago, a weaver girl lived in the sky and made clouds for her family. At the same time, on errth where a buffalo boy was talking care of his buffalo who is lonely. On day, the weavergirl was bored with life in the sky. She decided to go awimming in a river. The buffalo boy saw her and he thought she was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. He fell in love.While the weaver gilr swimming in thr river and tje buffalo boy took her clothes back if she would marry him. She agreed to be his wife.
Ten years passed, and the happy couple had two children. The weaver girl like living on earth. but her familyin the sky were fed up with her absence. They needed her to star making clouds again. One day there was a huge storm. The sky was dark with rain and the weaver girl's mother was looking for her!! Suddenly, the weaver girl's mother grabbed her daughter. She took her back up to the sky. The buffalo boy caught up wiyh them abd the girl's mother said he could live in the sky and work. However, he and the weaver girl were so in love that neither of them did any work.The girl's mother got very angry. She decided they could not be together. So, she put the buffalo boy on one side of the sky, and the weaver girl on the other side. But every year, they allowed to meet for one short day. The day in Chinese call Qixi.

Friday 14 August 2009

The hotel toppled over

Before the Morakot typhoon cames the place is very beautiful.

After the Morakot typhoon cames

Morakot, which made landfall late Friday night, was downgraded to a tropical storm as its eye exited the island Saturday afternoon, but torrential rains continued to torment many areas in southern and eastern Taiwan.
The Central Weather Bureau reports rainfall in Pingtung County could hit as high as 2,500 millimeters, a record in any area in Taiwan.
Linpien, in Pingtung, experienced its worst flooding in 50 years, with the town submerged in water one-story high, said the county magistrate, Tsao Chi-hung.
Many residents had to climb to their rooftops to await evacuation.
Military servicemen were dispatched to Pingtung on rescue missions upon the county government's request, Tsao said.
“We've never seen such heavy rainfalls over the past 50 years. We're scared,” the United Evening News cited a Pingtung resident as saying.
The Central Weather Bureau also raised its precipitation forecast for Kaohsiung, Tainan and Chiayi to high levels ranging from 1,600 to 1,800 millimeters.
Hsiaokang district in Kaohsiung City was submerged in knee-deep water.
In Kaohsiung County, may roads and bridges were closed while firefighters and police officers evacuated residents from flooded villages and townships.
In Tainan County, dozens of residents of Hsinho district along the Hutou Creek woke up in the middle of the night to find their homes flooded.

Saturday 8 August 2009

My weapon in tennis court, tennis racket

Did you see the racket that is my tennis racket. I have played tennis for twenty years and never interrupted to play tennis. No matter I am a student or a banker, If I have free time, I must go to tennis court to play tennis with friends. Did you know how much does it?! I spent approximately eight hundred NT dollars on the racket.
I also like to watch tennis race on TV. For instance, US open, Australian open, Wimbledon and French open whose are very
Playing sport or watching sport on TV is good habit for you, but they are different. Playing sport can perspire is good for body’ metabolism. Most of people work hard and usually eaten fast foods outside. So, people have to do regular exercise are more important. In contrast, watching sport on TV you can listen to comment on the race’s results, watching amazing slow motion, and on matter anytime whether you have a partner, just you want. Playing sport have to have good weather, place, and partner which are depend on what kind of exercise you want to do. But, watching sport on TV you will get nearsighted, if watching long times. Finally, playing sport is good habit and makes your body strong, but you have to have partner, place and good weather. Watching sport on TV is good choose that you can watching amazing slow motion and listen to amazing comment, whereas you will get nearsighted

Thursday 6 August 2009

Lost time is never found again.

Time is fleeting, the picture took from my eighteen years old. One day, I clean my room and found a photo album. I suddenly stopped sweeping my room. I almost forget tooking these photos and forget still have them.Then, I open the photo album that make me very surprise. The photos reminds me of senior high school's good time. "Lost time is never found again". I can't believe that I am thirty-five years old now. When I look the photo that seem yesterday. when I was into eighteen years old that my parents give me a motorcycle. Actuality, I request that my parents give me motorcycle. The motorcycle costs sixty-three hundred dollars in 1991. So, it's very expensive. The students afford that expensive motorcycle.
I remember that I went to ILian with my clasmate by motorcycle. We play anywhere and ate anywhere. Everyone rode motorcycle and took photos that is very funs, although we don't have girl friends. Did you see my motorcycle that is 150cc