Friday 10 July 2009

Martial arts

Movie stars like Bruce Lee and Jackie Chan made Chinese martial arts word famous. But martial arts complex systems of movements used for self-defense, have been popular around the world for ages. There's more to martial arts than fighting. On a deeper level, they also give practitoners great inner strengh. For instance, Shaolin Kung Fu this is probably the world's most famous martial art. The style began to take form long time ago. When an Indian monk visited Shaolin temple in China and taught the temple's monks about Buddhism, exercises, and self-defense technique. Later, other wandering masters taught at the temple. Their fighting style were combined with other master's techniques. Although violence goed against Buddhist belief, but the Shaolin monks sometimes used their Kung-Fu to defend their temple from other people.
The five fighting style of Shaolin kung fu imitate the tiger, panther, snake, crane, and dragon. Each style use different strategy and techniques. When a snake practitioner fights, for instance, his arms seem like actual snakes. Moving slowly back and forth, they suddenly strike an oppanent's eye and throat.
Another martial is Aikido that is means the wat of harmony of the spirit in Japanese. Anewer martial art, Aikido is based on the teachings of master. The ,master taught in Japan during the early times and created Aikido by combining Zen belief with smooth physical movements.

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